Monday, October 3, 2011

Did I Just Tweet or Have I Tooted?

I'm officially on Twitter and sent my first Tweet this morning!  I know, I's a great day in the life of me. Hold the applause, please.  Until this blog of mine started up I didn't really understand the point of Twitter.  Well I do now.  To get MORE ATTENTION!!!  (This is where I pretend I have a swarm of followers anxiously awaiting my every word.)  But I still don't understand the verbage going on here.  I mean, what the fuck is the # and how do I know when and how to use it and what everything stands for? And I know the site is Twitter, when I actively post I Tweet, but when I've posted in the past have I...Twated?  Tweeted?  Twitted?  Or did I Toot?  I guess it doesn't matter much and I'm sure I'll figure it out soon enough.  Even if no one out there cares that I just woke up or that I went to Target and bought the cutest dress ever for a mere 10 bucks, it's all worth it for that cute little bird.


  1. I've been contemplating joining twitter for a while now. I'm just afraid I'll have nothing to say...or far too much, especially during a Cowboys game or something. That could be frightening. lol

  2. I feel like I don't have enough to say...but then who's really listening anyway?
